
Art | Yoga | Vedic Astrology | Gene Keys | Human Design

Paul runs a small creative/illustration business on a mission to foster greater connection, creativity and compassion through art. 

  • 500RYT Yoga TTC
  • Empowerment Process Facilitator
  • Gene Keys Guide
  • Vedic Astrology Scholar
  • Human Design Nerd
Former Adjunct Faculty for Maharishi International University, where he taught Podcasting, Graphic Arts and Comics courses for over 5 years. 

Award-winning artist, Jyotish scholar, Yoga teacher, Gene Keys Guide, Human Design nerd and storyteller. 

Gene Keys: 

With its roots in Human Design, I-Ching, astrology and Kabbalah, the Gene Keys is a wild living wisdom emerging from the consciousness of Richard Rudd. The Gene Keys provides a framework to identify and embrace our Shadows that block our life force, inform us how to unlock our Gifts, the vibratory field of your true genius, and awaken our Siddhis, which in Vedic terms are the highest aspects of human potential. 

 Vedic Astrology: 

Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) is an ancient system of astrology based on the positions and movements of planets and constellations as they are in the sky at your moment of birth. A chart reading can shine light on aspects of your life, and bring greater understanding and compassion to yourself, as well as your Dharma, life path, relationships, career, spiritual trajectory and much more.